In the words of our Mechanical MOOCers #mmooc

A few quotes from the feedback we’ve been collecting this week:

“I found [this] MOOC on an article I was reading some time ago. And from the first moment I knew I had to be a part of it, it was a brilliant idea.”

“This course offers an interesting platform for someone living in a rural setting who works irregular hours. I like the way you have organized the course.”

“This is overall really working for me. I have been trying to learn Java on my own and in the past have done Ruby and Python on my own. I only get so far, but with this I am getting much further.”

“I have enjoyed the course contents, the pace and the exercises in CodeAcademy. The video sessions by Prof John Guttag of MIT have been excellent viewing, quite different to what I went through at Graduate School in India.”

We’ve also gotten lots of great suggestions for how to improve the course, and we’re sorting through them right now. Thanks so much for all the input!

About MOOC-E

The Mechanical MOOC, international man (or machine) of mystery. (Photo credit: Tinkerbots
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